We're in the Guan Shan Hu business district, within 10 minutes of Guizhou Museum and Guanshanhu Park. Forty kilometers away, reach the local delicacies, 14th-century architecture, and Ming and Qing culture of QingYan Ancient Town. Our hotel features a spa, indoor pool, rooftop garden, and high-floor views of Guiyang.
贵阳东景希尔顿酒店位于贵阳市观山湖区,酒店紧邻贵阳市行政中心,观山湖公园和多个商业区。酒店的地理位置优越,交通快捷便利: 步行15分钟,可到达地铁1号线市行政中心站和观山湖公园;