Facing the Cávado River and flanked by green forest, this hotel is ideally located for those looking for a quiet break. Situated in northwest Portugal, Esposende is a fine old fishing village, appreciated by many Portuguese visitors who frequent the pleasant beaches. Walk through Esposende to discover its unique and charming characteristics. If you are looking to rest and recover your energy, this resort should cater to your requirements. Enjoy magnificent views over the River Cávado and the Atlantic Ocean, or take a swim in the large hotel pool and relax in the sun.
O Hotel Suave Mar implantado na cidade de Esposende, junto á Foz do Rio Cávado, harmoniosamente integradio num meio natural, rico e deslumbrante, é um marco perfeito para passar umas férias de sonho com fácil acesso á praia. Reunimos condições unicas para todos aqueles que procuram um verdadeiro descanso.