Crowne Plaza Hotel & Suites Landmark Shenzhen is located in the heart of Shenzhen's bustling Luohu commercial and shopping district. Ideally situated for meetings on-site and attending to local business. The hotel is about 32.1 kilometers away from Shenzhen Baoan International Airport, about 1.6 kilometers away from Luohu train station & Luohu border gateway to HongKong, and about 6.4 kilometers away from Shenzhen Convention Center. Our multilingual staff can facilitate every business need. A dedicated Crowne Plaza Meetings Director helps plan productive events and responds to availability requests within two hours. We stand out among business hotels in Shenzhen by offering flexible function rooms for meetings – plus support services, from courier to translation and secretarial assistance. You are able to walk out the door into the heart of Shenzhen’s bustling Luohu commercial and shopping district, where it is also easy to seek peace and quietness in noisy surroundings. The hotel is about 269 meters away from Guomao Metro trains. On-site dining and wellness opportunities keep you fueled, connected and energized. Having Italian cuisine at Prego or Cantonese at Fortune Court. Stay your day with a refreshing breakfast at the Brew House.You can take advantage of our pool and Fitness Center. Cocktails or pastries and coffee at Vienna Café make for a wonderful evening.
深圳富苑皇冠假日套房酒店为商务人士和观光游客在罗湖的繁华中心提供上佳的居憩之所。其地理位置优越,既适于在酒店会唔洽谈,又便于拜访当地企业。酒店四通八达的交通令您出行更享优悦,离深圳宝安国际机场的直线距离约32.1公里,无论乘车或搭乘地铁均可方便到达,酒店离罗湖口岸及火车站的直线距离约1.6公里,离深圳会展中心的直线距离约6.4公里。 酒店员工精通多国语言,可为各种商务需求提供协助。酒店的皇冠会务总监将助力您的各类会议,且可在两小时内对可行性的要求做出安排。酒店也可为宾客提供配置灵活的多功能会议室,助力宾客获得美好的会议体验。入住本酒店,您可步行外出用餐或进行娱乐活动,酒店靠近东门步行街、大型购物广场及罗湖商业城,或是前往荔枝公园,在静谧的林荫小道漫步。如果您想乘坐地铁去往别处,酒店离地铁一号线国贸站的直线距离约269米。 您也可选择在酒店内用餐和健身,让您保持体力、精力充沛,并广交朋友。位于酒店二楼的富临门中餐厅为您提供正宗粤式佳肴;位于三楼的啤酒屋餐厅提供丰盛美味的自助早餐为您开启活力的一天,午餐与晚餐时段,更有环球美味;同样位于三楼的Prego 意大利餐厅为您打造纯正的意式风味。闲暇之余,您可在位于四楼的源水疗中心及健身中心锻炼、放松。暮色渐浓之时,坐在维也纳吧享用鸡尾酒,品尝甜品和咖啡,是您社交聚会及放松休憩的佳选。