Find us on Yangjiang North Avenue, looking over the Ganjiang River. Our hotel is four kilometers from the Pavilion of Prince Teng, with central Nanchang less than nine kilometers away. Fill up on free hot breakfast, and enjoy WiFi on us. Perks include our restaurant and access to the fitness center and business center.
南昌滕王阁希尔顿欢朋酒店地处南昌市东湖区沿江北大道旁,毗邻扬子洲生态湿地公园,距滕王阁风景区仅10分钟车程。酒店是按照希尔顿欢朋国际品牌标准设计建造的,其造型简约时尚,酒店大堂巧妙地将商务区、休闲区、聚会区和欢迎区多功能融合在一起。196间精品客房均配备了美国舒达双专利床垫和生态认证床上用品,为你打造云端甜梦。除此之外,酒店采用希尔顿专用的“Peter Thomas Roth”卫浴用品以及国际品牌科勒卫浴让你畅爽洗浴体验。一天之计在于晨,欢小朋美食之旅是我们为你带来新的一天的首份惊喜,带着我们的舒适与健康伴你度过愉快的一天。