Find us across the street from the MixC shopping mall and near the Kunming Railway Station. The Kunming convention center is three kilometers away, and Haigeng Park and the Yunnan Nationalities Village are within 30 minutes' drive. Enjoy our restaurant, open all day, as well as three meeting rooms and a 24-hour fitness center.
昆明官渡希尔顿欢朋酒店属于希尔顿旗下国际连锁酒店品牌,沿袭希尔顿欢朋优良的设计理念与先进服务理念。酒店坐落于春城东大门昆明市官渡区,位置优越毗邻昆明火车站,拓东体育馆,距离昆明国际会展中心近10分钟车程,酒店周边商业林立,大型Shopping Mall近在咫尺,步行2分钟即可抵达。酒店每间客房均配备美国“Hampton Bed”标准Serta双专利床垫和生态认证的床上用品,以及美国护肤领域殿堂级品牌Peter Thomas Roth,其纯天然的成分能有效舒缓您的疲惫,值得商旅精英和亲子家庭慢慢探寻。