Close to the main road, our hotel is just a few minutes from a wide selection of restaurants as well as a lovely park. We are about 20 minutes from the Shandong University of Technology, Yudaihu Ski Field, and Zibo Zoo. Enjoy free WiFi, over 1,000 sq. ft. of meeting space, on-site dining, and a clean and fresh bed for a great night's sleep.
淄博张店希尔顿欢朋酒店位于山东省淄博市张店区市府东一街15号,酒店处在淄博中酒店设有各式温馨舒适客房127间,独具希尔顿欢朋特色的“HUB”大堂,集聚会、休闲及商务功能于一体。多间舒适客房使用美国“Hampton Bed”标准的舒达双专利床垫和生态 认证床上用品,并采用希尔顿专用“Peter Thomas Roth”卫浴用品。集健康格调的欢朋餐厅,乐动健身房,可容纳250人精英会议室和恰到好处的知己服务,使客人享受到高品质的快乐入住体验。