Find us in the Yingquan District, along Qingying Rd. We're across the street from Qingying Park and surrounded by neighborhood dining and shopping. Both Fuyang Railway Station and Fuyang Airport are within half an hour, and Yingzhou West Lake is 16 km from the door. We have free hot breakfast, a 24-hour snack store, and a fitness center.
阜阳国贸希尔顿欢朋酒店是一家按照国际品牌标准建设的中高端酒店,酒店设计简约时尚,拥有希尔顿欢朋特色的“HUB”大堂,集聚会休闲商务功能于一体。147间舒适客房使用美国“Hampton Bed”标准的舒达双专利床垫和生态认证床上用品,并采用希尔顿欢朋专用的“Peter Thomas Roth”洗护用品,为您打造云端甜梦体验。清新营养的健康热早餐、种类丰富的各式简餐和蔬果饮品,欢朋餐厅为您提供高品质的健康饮食体验。