Located within the property of Kiyomizu Temple, Koyokan offers non-smoking Japanese-style accommodations. Guests can refresh in the spacious public baths and use Wi-Fi at the lobby. JR Yasugi Train Station is a 15-minute drive and Yonago Train Station is a 20-minute drive away. The air-conditioned rooms feature views of Kiyomizu Temple, tatami (woven-straw) floors and Japanese futon bedding. A flat-screen TV, a safety deposit box and a thermos bottle with green tea bags are included in each. Japanese Yukata robes are provided for all guests, and bathrooms and toilets are shared. Koyokan Ryokan is a 10-minute drive from Unju Temple and Lake Nakauimi. Izumo Airport is a 1-hour drive and Izumo Taisha Shrine is a 90-minute drive away. Guests can take walks around the temple and use the free parking, which is within a 10-minute walk away. A free shuttle is available from the parking area, if reserved at time of booking. A safety deposit box and luggage storage are provided at the front desk. Traditional Zen vegetarian cuisines are served dinner and a Japanese set menu for breakfast. All meals are served at the dining room. At time of booking, you must inform the hotel what time you plan to check in. If your check-in time changes, please update the hotel.
清水寺の敷地内に位置する境内の宿 紅葉館は禁煙の和室を提供しています。滞在中は広々とした大浴場でリフレッシュしたり、ロビーでWi-Fiを利用できます。JR安来駅へは車で15分、米子駅は車で20分先です。清水寺の景色を望む和室にはエアコン、薄型テレビ、セーフティボックス、魔法瓶(緑茶ティーバッグ付)、浴衣が備わっています。バスルームとトイレは共用です。雲樹寺、中海から車で10分です。出雲空港へは車で1時間、出雲大社は車で90分先です。滞在中は寺の周囲を散策できます。無料駐車場まで徒歩10分以内で、駐車場からの無料シャトルを提供しています(予約時に要リクエスト)。フロントデスクではセーフティボックス、荷物預かりを利用できます。精進料理の夕食と和朝食は、お食事処で提供しています。予約の際、到着予定時刻をホテルまで必ずお知らせください。到着時刻が変更になった場合にもご連絡ください。