The Hotel Bristol is right in the centre of Pärnu in a unique red brick building of Gothic design that was built in 2 stages. The part of the building in the corner of Rüütli and Hommiku Streets was erected at the end of the 19th century. There is a sauna and a conference centre on the 2nd floor of the hotel (available to guests at additional costs).Hotel Bristol is situated on the main street in the heart of Pärnu, 5 km from the railway station.
Hotell Bristol asub otse Pärnu kesklinnas unikaalses punastest tellistest gooti stiilis hoones, mis ehitati kahes etapis. Rüütli ja Hommiku tänavate nurgal olev hoone rajati 19. sajandi lõpul. Kohapeal on saun ning konverentsikeskus, mis paikneb hotelli teisel korrusel (saadaval lisatasu eest).Hotell Bristol asub Pärnu südames peatänaval, raudteejaamast 5 km kaugusel.