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Hotel Panorama **** star 4 four stars
Croatia: :
Sibenik 22010:  Sibenski Most 1   
Panorama Hotel is one of the most beautiful tourist facilities of the Šibenik Riviera, situated on a cliff above the Krka canyon, offering amazing panoramic views. It has been completely renovated and meets the highest standards of the hospitality and catering industry. Hotel Panorama is situated near the bridge of Sibenik, on the highway between Vodice and Sibenik. Enjoy the superb views of the town of Sibenik and the Krka's sunken delta - the port of Sibenik and the islands of the archipelago. In the cozy and relaxing atmosphere of the restaurant, seating up to 200 guests, a high-quality selection of fish and meat specialties, as well as a wide choice of selected wines and other drinks is served. The aperitif bar within the restaurant area is open to hotel guests and all those who want to enjoy the wonderful atmosphere of the Panorama Hotel. The Panorama Hotel is an ideal place for the celebration of your wedding. The staff will assist you with expert advice concerning the organization of this feast, which will surely be a spectacular one.
Hotel Panorama jedan je od najljepših turističkih objekata na Šibenskoj rivijeri, a smješten je na litici iznad kanjona Krke s koje se pruža nevjerojatan panoramski pogled. Gosti se mogu besplatno koristiti bazenom. Hotel obuhvaća bar, restoran i fitness centar. Objekt je potpuno obnovljen i udovoljava najvišim hotelijerskim te ugostiteljskim standardima. Hotel Panorama nalazi se u blizini Šibenskog mosta, na autocesti između Vodica i Šibenika. Gosti mogu uživati u prekrasnom pogledu na Šibenik, potopljeno ušće Krke, šibensku luku i otočje. U ugodnom i opuštajućem ozračju restorana s kapacitetom od 200 sjedećih mjesta, poslužuju se vrhunski riblji i mesni specijaliteti te velik izbor biranih vina i drugih pića. Aperitiv bar u okviru restorana na raspolaganju je hotelskim gostima i svima koji žele uživati u prekrasnom ambijentu hotela Panorama. Hotel Panorama idealno je mjesto za proslave vjenčanja. Iskusno će osoblje pomoći organizirati veliko slavlje, koje će sigurno biti nezaboravan događaj.

Hotels in Sibenik Croatia

ID number: 1290114343

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