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Hotel Sofijin Dvor **** star 4 four stars
Slovenia: :
Rimske Toplice 3272:  Toplice 10   
The Sofijin Dvor is a spa hotel rebuilt 2008, set in the picturesque valley of Rimske Toplice along the river Savinja, surrounded by lush forests and mountains. The mountains provide shelter against wind and summer heat, being the homeland of world-famous giant sequoias or Mammoth trees, Canadian hemlocks, cypresses and many others. The Hotel Sofijin Dvor provides comfortable rooms with complimentary Internet access, especially convenient for businessmen. After a busy day, unwind with the massages offered. Taste international cuisine and a broad selection of wines in the à la carte restaurant or sip a delicious cocktail at the bar or the night club. On the terrace at the top of the hotel events for up to 40 people can be organised.
Spa hotel Sofijin Dvor, obnovljen leta 2008, se nahaja v slikoviti dolini Rimskih Toplic ob reki Savinji, sredi bujnih gozdov in gora. Lokacija pod gorami nudi zavetje pred vetrom in poletno vročino, tukaj pa rastejo svetovno znane orjaške sekvoje ali mamutova drevesa, kanadska čuga, ciprese ter mnoge druge drevesne vrste. Na voljo so udobne sobe z brezplačnim dostopom do interneta, po napornem dnevu pa se prileže sprostitev v spa, kjer nudijo tudi masaže. V restavraciji Cesar Ferdinand pripravljajo mednarodne jedi, v kavarni Princesa Viktorija pa nudijo bogat izbor pijač.Na hotelski strešni terasi je mogoče organizirati različne dogodke za največ 40 oseb.

Hotels in Slovenia

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