On a small island surrounded by the Krka River lies the rebuilt Otocec Castle Hotel, offering a perfect atmosphere for weddings, parties and business meetings. The castle was recently renovated, but kept the Gothic and Renaissance elements, creating a unique atmosphere of past times combined with the luxuries and comfort of today. A romantic dinner served by staff in medieval clothes is only one of the unforgettable events you will take part in. The castle walls date back to 1252, and the Otocec is situated in the picturesque lush region of Dolenjska, famous for its rivers, valleys, forests and vineyards. It is only a stone's throw from the town of Novo Mesto.
Prenovljen hotel Grad Otočec stoji na majhnem otoku, ki ga obdaja reka Krka. Ponuja krasen ambient za poroke, zabave in poslovna srečanja. Grad je bil pred kratkim prenovljen, ohranili pa so gotske in renesančne elemente, ki pričarajo edinstveno vzdušje preteklosti, hkrati pa se odlično zlijejo z razkošnim udobjem današnjega hotela. Romantična večerja je le eden izmed nepozabnih dogodkov, ki jih nudijo. Grajsko obzidje je iz leta 1252. Otočec se nahaja na Dolenjskem, v slikoviti regiji, ki je bogata z rekami, dolinami, gozdovi in vinogradi. Do Novega mesta je le streljaj.