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Hotel Kokra **** star 4 four stars
Slovenia: :
Kranj 4000:  Predoslje 39   
Situated at the entrance to the Brdo Estate, Hotel Kokra offers high-quality services and an attentive staff, catering especially to businesspeople. The hotel organises conferences and seminars, business meetings and sessions, formal dinners and other celebrations. The newly-furnished rooms with anti-allergic and anti-asthmatic beds of superior quality will provide a good night's sleep. While the restaurant of the Kokra Hotel can host up to 250 guests in air-conditioned comfort, it can also be arranged in such a manner as to create an intimate atmosphere for smaller parties. The piano in the central part of the restaurant accentuates the refined manner of the establishment. The Vrelec Brdo is also an important part of the Kokra Hotel offer. A contemporary wellness centre arranged according to the antique models with a fitness gallery, saunas and massage lounges offers the hotel guests various beauty treatments, cosmetic and other relaxation therapies.
Hotel stoji ob vhodu na posestvo Brdo in ponuja visoko kakovostne storitve, skrbno osebje ter gostinsko ponudbo, primerno za poslovneže. Brezplačno sta na voljo savna in fitnes. V hotelu organizirajo konference, seminarje, poslovna srečanja, zasedanja, uradne večerje in druga praznovanja. Novo opremljene sobe vključujejo brezžični in žični internet ter vrhunske postelje, primerne za alergike ter astmatike, ki zagotavljajo odličen spanec. Udobna in klimatizirana hotelska restavracija sprejme do 250 gostov, za manjše družbe pa jo lahko razdelijo v več prostorov z intimnim vzdušjem. Klavir v osrednjem delu restavracije poudarja prefinjenost tega hotela. Obiščite tudi sodobni wellness Vrelec Brdo, ki je opremljen v antičnem slogu in se ponaša s fitnesom, savnami ter z masažnimi saloni. Za sprostitev ponuja tudi različne lepotne tretmaje in kozmetične ter druge terapije.

Hotels in Kranj Slovenia

ID number: 1268839658

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