The Hotel Villa Bojana is situated in the centre of Bled, only 200 metres away from Lake Bled. It is easily accessible from the the main road. Choose from nicely furnished rooms, all featuring a cable TV and free wireless internet access, and start every day at the complimentary breakfast buffet. The friendly staff will provide you with any information you may need to spend a rewarding stay at the Hotel Villa Bojana. Enjoy the panoramic view over the lake and the surroundings from a terrace on the third floor. The bar on the first floor offers 24-hour service at the dining room you can start your day with a good breakfast. In front of the Vila Bojana there is a cooling terrace with a fountain as well as 11 car parking places with 24-hour security.
Hotel Vila Bojana se nahaja v središču Bleda, le 200 m od Blejskega jezera. Hotel je enostavno dostopen z glavne ceste. Izbirate lahko med okusno opremljenimi sobami s kabelsko televizijo in z dostopom do brezplačnega brezžičnega interneta. Vsako jutro se v jedilnici okrepčajte z brezplačnim samopostrežnim zajtrkom. Prijazno osebje vam je na voljo za vsakršne informacije, ki jih potrebujete, da bi vaše bivanje v hotelu Bojana bilo nadvse prijetno. Iz terase na 3. nadstropju uživajte v panoramskem razgledu na jezero in okolico. Bar na 1. nadstropju je odprt 24-ur na dan. Pred Vilo Bojano se nahaja tudi prijetna terasa z vodnjakom, kakor tudi 11 parkirnih prostorov s 24-urnim varovanjem.