The Central Hotel is located in the centre of Narva, in a quiet area. It has a private parking area and garages for hotel guests. The building was constructed at the end of 19th century for the mayor of Narva and turned into a hotel in 2002. There is an open terrace, 2 saunas and an Internet terminal on the third floor. The bar serves breakfast in the morning and à la carte dishes in the evening. Only 350 yards away from Narva Castle and the Narva River, the Central Hotel offers beautiful views of the river and the Ivangorod Fortress on the Russian bank.
Vaikse asukohaga hotell Central asub Narva kesklinnas. Hotelli Central külalised saavad kasutada privaatset parklat ja parkimisgaraaže. Hoone on ehitatud 19. sajandi lõpul individuaalprojekti järgi Narva linnapea elamuks, hotelliks renoveeriti see aastal 2002. Hotellil on avatud terrass, 2 sauna ning kolmandal korrusel paiknev internetipunkt. Baaris pakutakse hommikul hommikusööki ning õhtuti à la carte toite. Ainult 300 meetri kaugusel Narva linnusest ja Narva jõest asuv hotell Central pakub kauneid vaateid jõele ja Jaanilinna linnusele Venemaa poolel.