Located in the centre of Pärnu, the summer capital of Estonia, the Hansalinn offers 10 cosy and quiet rooms and a very good restaurant. Each room is individually designed and offers a romantic ambience. Close to the Hotel Hansalinn, there is a beautiful church, a new concert hall, a theatre, a museum, galleries, shopping streets and nightclubs. The yacht harbour and the beach, which is considered to be the best in Estonia, are within easy walking distance.
11 hubase ja vaikse toaga Hansalinn asub Eesti suvepealinna Pärnu keskuses. Igas toas on omanäoline ning romantilise atmosfääriga kujundus. Hotelli Hansalinn lähedal on ilus kirik, uus kontserdimaja, teater, muuseum, galeriid, ostutänavad ja ööklubid. Jahisadam ja rand, mida peetakse Eesti parimaks, paiknevad lühikese jalutuskäigu kaugusel.