Crowne Plaza Tianjin Binhai is an International Business Hotel operated by IHG and is the International Brand hotel in the Tianjin Airport Economic Area located in the Tianjin Pilot Free Trade Zone. The hotel is located about 9.8 KM drive away from the Tianjin Binhai International Airport. Happy Valley Amusement Park and Tianjin’s famous brand discount the ‘Tianjin New Yansha Outlets ‘are also close by, only about 13 KM and 1.8 KM respectively. The hotel has combined with the natural environment with a picturesque blue lake, tranquil garden surroundings and fresh air offering a quiet place to relax and let the days stresses melt away. The hotel also has 388 well-appointed rooms and an 875 square meters pillar less Grand Ballroom with an additional 9 multi-function meeting rooms, multiple restaurant choices offering international standard service makes the Crowne Plaza Tianjin Binhai a good choice for your international conferences, business trip and family vacation.
天津滨海圣光皇冠假日酒店是位于天津自由贸易试验区及空港经济技术开发区内的一家国际品牌酒店,酒店毗邻天津滨海国际机场距离约为9.8公里,距离主题游乐公园华侨城欢乐谷以及天津市品牌名品折扣集聚地新燕莎奥特莱斯约为13公里和1.8公里,大型生活购物广场-SM购物广场也是您休闲娱乐的好去处。酒店与开发区自然生态园融为一体,碧蓝安静的湖水、苍绿葱郁的湖畔公园、清新舒畅的空气,在这里放松身心、享受内心的宁静。酒店拥有388间的舒适客房,无柱大宴会厅,9个多功能会议室,多种选择的餐厅以及提供的高品质服务。无论是商务差旅,会议活动 或休闲度假,天津滨海圣光皇冠假日酒店都是您不错的选择。酒店部分套房安装并使用新型智能集成式空气净化设备与原有空调通风系统相结合。该净化设备采用英国达尔文公司ifd专利技术*,该技术是目前已知较有效去除细颗粒物的净化技术。入住客人可远程智能手机设定并调整房间温度,wifi高速连接,电子净化房间内pm2.5值,较为有效的净化室内空气,实现恒温、恒洁,为您带来更加舒适的入住体验,为您打造属于您的“室内氧吧”。(*ifD英文全称是Intense Field Dielectric,就是指利用电介质材料为载体的强电场。 ifD技术是英国达尔文公司专利技术,是目前已知的较有效的去除细颗粒物的净化技术,在全世界20多个国家申请了发明专利。 )