Located in Otocec, in Slovenia's Dolenjska region, Hotel Sport offers air-conditioned rooms with private balconies and has its own restaurant. All rooms at Sport Hotel are equipped with free Wi-Fi, satellite TV, telephone and minibar. They also have spacious bathrooms with hairdryer. The hotel’s Otočec Restaurant offers local specialities and an extensive wine list. At the Castle Restaurant, guests can enjoy a romantic dinner served by staff in medieval clothes. The neighbouring Tango Restaurant organises dance evenings and entertainment. The Sport is 7 km away from Novo Mesto, and the hotel organises tours to the nearby vineyard cottages, where the finest Cvicek wine and homemade food is produced. The Smarjeske Toplice Spa with thermal healing water is in the vicinity as well.
Hotel Sport se nahaja v Otočcu na Dolenjskem in ponuja lastno restavracijo in klimatizirane sobe z zasebnim balkonom, z brezplačnim brezžičnim internetom, satelitsko televizijo, minibarom, telefonom ter s prostorno kopalnico s sušilcem za lase. V hotelski restavraciji nudijo lokalne specialitete in bogat izbor vin. V restavraciji v gradu lahko uživate v romantični večerji, ki jo postreže osebje v srednjeveških oblačilih. V sosednji restavraciji Tango prirejajo plesne večere in zabavne prireditve. Hotel Sport je od Novega mesta oddaljen 7 km. Odpravite se lahko na hotelske izlete do bližnjih zidanic, kjer pridelujejo odličen cviček in domače jedi. Obiščete lahko tudi bližnje Šmarješke Toplice z zdravilno termalno vodo.