The Hotel Krek is easy to reach. It is located in the new tourist-s shopping centre (TNC) in Lesce which is 4 km away from the resort of Bled, at the main-connecting road to Ljubljana. It is ideal for vacation and for short stays. The family-run hotel is surrounded by the beautiful panorama of the Julian Alps on the one side and on the other side of the valley you will see the Karawanken (alpenstocks).
Hotel Krek je enostavno dosegljiv. Je v novem nakupovalnem turističnem centru (TNC) v Lescah, 4 km od letovišča Bled, ob glavni cesti iz Ljubljane. Idealen je tako za počitnice kot za kratkoročno namestitev. Hotel v družinski lasti je obdan s slikovitimi Julijskimi Alpami na eni in Karavankami na drugi strani doline.