The hotel is the central facility of the marine spa complex, situated 400 meters from the coast. Enjoy the luxury of comprehensive spa and medical facilities under one roof. The hotel has in and outdoor swimming pools with heated seawater, saunas, a fitness room, a health and physiotherapy centre and the Salia Spa Centre. The self-service Marine Spa Restaurant offers a varied Mediterranean and fusion-style cuisine, that will satisfy even the most demanding gourmets. After a day full of new and lasting memories you can spend a peaceful night in your nicely furnished room.
Hotel Svoboda - Talaso Strunjan je osrednji objekt obmorskega letovišča in se nahaja 400 m od obale. Uživajte v razkošju celovite ponudbe, ki pod eno streho združuje zdravstvene storitve in storitve spa. Odpravite se v notranje bazene z ogrevano morsko vodo, savne in fitnes, na voljo pa so še zdravstveni in fizioterapevtski center ter center spa Salia. V samopostrežni restavraciji Laguna ponujajo pestre sredozemske jedi, pripravljene na inovativen način, ki zadovoljijo še tako zahtevnega gurmana. Po dnevu, polnem novih in trajnih spominov, preživite mirno noč v prijetno opremljenih sobah.