The second-oldest hotel in Slovenia offers a perfect boutique style gateway to any destination in the city of Celje or to other cities in the region. Enjoy the comfort in one of our stylish rooms and experience the pleasure of an attentive yet discreet service. The restaurant is the place where you'll be able to satisfy your culinary needs with exquisite local and international food, Slovenian wines and tempting home-made desserts.
Drugi najstarejši hotel v Sloveniji v butičnem slogu predstavlja odlično izhodišče za raziskovanje lepot Celja ali drugih mest v regiji. Uživajte v udobju elegantnih sob ter v pozornosti in diskretnosti hotelskega osebja. V restavraciji si lahko privoščite vrhunsko pripravljene jedi lokalne in mednarodne kulinarike, kozarec slovenskega vina ter domače sladice.