Choose the Crowne Plaza Shanghai Pudong hotel for personalised service and easy access to the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone. Slender bamboo trees reaching towards our glass roof will draw your eye as you step into the spacious Lobby at Crowne Plaza Shanghai Pudong. Our efficient Front Desk staff will get you checked into your stylish room or Suite in no time. Head to the 24-hour Windows restaurant to network with colleagues and to see fresh seasonal favourites prepared before your eyes. Doing business in Pudong couldn't be easier, the hotel is easy access to the Pilot Free Trade Zone Administration Waigaoqiao International Exhibition and Trading Center for Wine & Beverage, SUNLAND Waigaoqiao Commercial Business District. Enjoy the stunning views of whole Pilot Free Trade Zone with our extensive Club Lounge. Just around 35 minutes drive from Shanghai Pudong International Airport and Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport, we are an excellent support base for business travelers. Hangjin Road subway station is around 10 minutes' walk away, with easy connections into Shanghai city centre. You can be confident of sound planning and successful execution when your events are placed in our dedicated Crowne Meetings Director's capable hands. Our separate meetings annex is fit for events of all sizes in 15 modern rooms, including 2 ballrooms and an exclusive VIP reception room.
上海外高桥皇冠假日酒店是由洲际酒店集团管理的豪华商务酒店,位于中国(上海)自由贸易试验区,是一家挂牌五星级商务酒店。酒店交通便利,周边有自贸区管委会、国际酒类展示交易中心、森兰•外高桥商业商务区,从酒店顶层行政酒廊可俯瞰整个自贸区。驱车前往上海浦东国际机场和上海虹桥国际机场仅需约35分钟。步行约10分钟可达轨道交通6号线航津路站,便捷通往城市各个景点。同时滨江森林公园、上海橄榄球及红土网球俱乐部、上海高尔夫训练中心等户外团队拓展场所均只需约10分钟车程。酒店拥有388间客房和豪华套房,古典雅致、舒适怡人,均配备高速无线网络、液晶平板电视、迷你吧、热带雨林花洒、高级洗浴套装等,24小时客房服务让您随时随刻尽情享用本帮美馔和特色小吃。酒店还特别设有无烟客房和残障人士专用客房,为客人提供超健康、超舒适、超价值、超期望的各方位优质服务。行政楼层提供24小时个性化商务及礼宾服务,为您的高端社交与商务互动提供宽敞雅致的空间。酒店休闲娱乐设施也一应俱全,您可在宽敞明亮的室内泳池中尽情畅游,在健身中心挥洒汗水,也可私享桑拿和按摩,彻底舒展身心。 酒店处处彰显国际商务酒店的风范,“会聚成功”系列会务服务广受好评。“皇冠假日会务总监”是皇冠假日品牌的标志性服务,配合“两小时反馈”,深入会议筹划和管理过程的各个细节,确保每一个环节都尽善尽美。酒店提供15个活动场地,包括2个大型宴会厅和1个专用贵宾接待室,既可举办10人规模的董事会议,也可承办600人规模的豪华宴会。商务中心提供24小时传真打印、机票预定、货币兑换等服务,使您的商旅出行和日程安排毫无后顾之忧。 酒店风格迥异的餐厅和酒吧为您带来与众不同的餐饮体验。“景庭”西餐厅汇聚寰宇美食,以名厨的即席精湛烹饪为您带来超凡的味觉和视觉盛筵。大堂酒廊“来吧”格调高雅,是与同事好友共享下午茶的理想场所。中餐厅精心烹制的百余道中式菜肴精彩纷呈,定能令您大快朵颐。