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Crowne Plaza Qingdao ***** star 5 five stars
China: Shandong:
Qingdao 266071:  76 Central Hong Kong Road   
Choose Crowne Plaza Qingdao for its superb location in central Qingdao and attentive service. Step inside Crowne Plaza Qingdao181-metre skyscraper to find our gleaming Italian marble atrium the epitome of luxury, we will take care of your luggage, so you can unwind in your elegant room or Suite with fine sea, mountain or city views. Crowne Plaza Qingdao is in the heart of this dynamic city. Meet clients at companies such as ANA, Asiana Airlines, HSBC and Standard Chartered inside the hotels office tower, or stroll to nearby shopping malls like Hisense Plaza, with brands such as Gucci and Versace. The seafront is 10 minutes away and bustling Qingdao Food Street just a few minutes walk. And around 90 minutes; drive from the Qingdao Jiaodong International Airport, 20 minutes; drive from Qingdao Railway Station and 40 minutes; drive from the Qingdao North Railway Station. Indulge in refreshingly authentic cuisine at our cozy Italian restaurant. Murano Italian Restaurant has 19 years of history and offers a friendly environment with great food and comfortable seating, perfect for business or casual gathering. For BBQ, western, Asian and Indian delights, sample the generous buffets at Cafe Asia. Take time out at Crowne Plaza Qingdao in our extensive Health Club with Fitness Centre, indoor pool, sauna, steam room and Jacuzzi.
青岛颐中皇冠假日酒店位处青岛市区中心地带,毗邻青岛市市政府及各大银行跨国公司办事处。全日空航空、韩亚航空、汇丰银行及渣打银行都设于酒店大楼内。只需步行数分钟,即可到达佳世客、书城、麦凯乐、家乐福、五四广场等大型购物商场,进驻了古奇和范思哲等品牌的海信广场及云霄路美食街近在咫尺。酒店地理位置优越,交通便捷。距青岛胶东国际机场90分钟车程,距青岛火车站仅需20分钟车程,距青岛北站40分钟车程。 步入高181米的现代摩天大楼酒店内,宾客立刻便能感受到光可鉴人的意大利云石中庭所展露的华丽典雅,酒店设有客房358间,其中167间为豪华套房。房间宽敞舒适,柔和素雅的色彩和金色相互辉映,让您倍感悠然轻松。凭窗远眺,青岛市美丽风光尽收眼。精装卫浴设施、卫星电视频道、视听影音器材、高速有线/无线宽带等设施设备配套齐备。行政客房住客,均可享用位于37层的海景行政酒廊,在蓝天白云的映衬下,品尝自助早餐及鸡尾酒,并可免费使用会议室设施,为您的高端社交和商务互动提供宽敞雅致的空间。29-38层的皇冠俱乐部更是为商旅客人量身打造的高端休闲娱乐之所。 酒店拥有多个不同规格的多功能会议厅和1个可容纳350人的无柱式豪华宴会厅,华丽典雅。各厅均配备高速无线网络及专业会议设备,是各类商务会议、大型宴会、完美婚宴等活动的理想之选。商务中心提供传真、复印、专业秘书、旅游及票务、轿车租用等服务,使您的会议和各种活动尽善尽美。酒店的娱乐休闲设施也一应俱全,住客可在室内泳池畅泳,或选择到健身中心挥汗,也可享受桑拿、蒸汽和中式按摩,彻底放松身心,为您的商务之旅增添无限活力。 酒店3个风格迥异的餐厅,为您奉献精彩纷呈的餐饮体验。酒店“亚洲咖啡厅”提供各款欧、亚、印等风味美食,商务套餐和自助餐供宾客享用,舒适典雅的装修风格,享之不尽的饕餮美食,一段难忘的美食之旅由此开启。梦拉诺意大利餐厅深受广大客人的喜爱,正宗的意大利美食,欧风十足的就餐环境,让您体会到来自异国风情的魅力。从菜单的制定,原材料的采购到上门烹制美食,一站式的服务,都将精心为您量身定制。潮粤轩中餐厅名厨主理潮粤美食,并提供正宗粤式早茶。宽敞明亮的大厅可容纳100人同时用餐,7间舒适雅致的宴会包房可容纳8-20人不等,是您宴请宾朋的理想场所。(承包经营)

Hotels in Qingdao (Shandong) China

ID number: 1102997791

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