Hotel Sunshine is located in Kaohsiung’s Lingya District, a 15-minute metro ride from Kaohsiung Airport. Featuring oriental furnishings, the hotel offers a café, parking spaces and free WiFi in rooms. Soundproofed rooms at Sunshine are cosy and air-conditioned. Each room comes with a minibar and a TV. Le Felicity Gardens serves Western style meals and drinks, while udon noodles can be enjoyed at the Japanese restaurant. Hotel Sunshine is a short 0.6 miles from the business and shopping district of Sanduo. It is a 5-minute walk from the Sanduo Commercial Zone Station.
陽光大飯店位於高雄苓雅區,從高雄小港機場搭乘捷運只需 15 分鐘。這間飯店的裝潢具有東方風味,並設有咖啡廳、停車場和客房內免費 WiFi。陽光大飯店的隔音客房舒適溫馨,且裝有空調。每間房間都配有迷你吧和電視機。Le Felicity Gardens 餐廳提供西式餐點和飲料,或者客人也可以日式餐廳享用烏龍麵。陽光大飯店距離三多商業購物區僅 1 公里,距離三多商圈站走路僅需 5 分鐘。