Stay at the welcoming Holiday Inn Macau hotel in China and unwind in our Tea Tree Spa and Fitness Centre between strolls to Macau's main sights. You'll recognise the elegant Holiday Inn Macau, in the heart of Macau's lively business district, by its ornate facade. At this central hotel you're never far from Macau's landmarks, like the iconic Ruins of St Paul's cathedral, 5km away and mosaic Senada Square, 4km away. Soothing aromatherapy massages and facial treatments clear your head in our relaxing Tea Tree Spa. You can be in Hong Kong in 1 hour from Macau Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal, 10 minutes away by complimentary shuttle bus. Racing fans flock to the island for November's Macau Grand Prix, 1.5km away, while vintage racing cars and ancient wines are displayed at the Grand Prix and wine museum 1km away.Get to your conferences and banquets with ease at Macau Tower Convention and Entertainment Centre, 5.5km from Holiday Inn Macau. You can jet off or do business 8km away at Macau International Airport. Big businesses such as AIA Macau are located in Macau's vibrant, new business district, 1km away. Socialise with sport on the flat-screen TVs in European-chic Oskar's Bar and with karaoke in the private dining rooms in elegant Chinese Restaurant. You can revitalise with a dip in the heated indoor pool and plunge pools in our 9th-floor Fitness Centre at Holiday Inn Macau.
引人入胜的异国风情,纸醉金迷的赌场风云,紧张刺激的格兰披治大赛车,澳门特别行政区以独特的风韵成为全球著名的国际会展城市和旅游目的地,再加上其国际水平的酒店服务,更令不远万里前来的宾客流连忘返。 澳门假日酒店是澳门享誉中外的酒店业中的佼佼者,精心选址于澳门西部繁华的北京街,地理位置得天独厚。酒店距澳门外港码头10分钟车程并提供免费穿梭巴士,距澳门国际机场30分钟车程,前往澳门旅游塔会展娱乐中心15分钟车程,妈阁庙、大三巴牌坊、澳门大赛车博物馆等城市景点近在咫尺,是您商务出行和旅游度假的理想居庭。 酒店颇具葡萄牙的建筑风格,让人重拾澳门昔日的风华和韵味。步入大堂,以红色和金色为主调的设计令人倍感热情和温馨,大理石地板、大幅落地窗、水晶吊灯以及怡人的香氛无不彰显出国际商务酒店的格调和品味。319间客房和套房典雅舒适,凭窗而立,迂回的街道、欧式教堂、古老建筑栉次鳞比,令人感受时光流转中的历史余韵。行政楼层提供个性化的商务和礼宾服务,为高端社交和商务互动提供宽敞雅致的空间。酒店商务中心提供24小时传真、打印、邮寄、翻译、机票预定和货币兑换等服务,使您的商旅出行和日程安排毫无后顾之忧。酒店提供各种休闲娱乐设施,其中充满亚洲风情的茶树水疗为酒店特色,纯天然香熏按摩和茶树水疗顶级个人护理为您带来独特的奢宠体验。酒店内的假日钻石娱乐场各种游戏任您挑选,让您尽享欢乐时光。酒店的餐饮也别具一格,特色餐厅Frascati Café荟萃寰宇美食,葡式及澳门风味的珍馐令人大快朵颐。中餐厅将传统美食与创新菜系完美融合,以名厨的精湛烹饪为您带来超凡的味觉和视觉盛筵。奥斯卡酒吧以华丽的大理石地板和柔和的自然光营造出时尚典雅的环境,商务休憩两相宜,在这里享用一杯经典鸡尾酒或香槟,将是怎样的惬意时光?